Saturday, August 11, 2007

Going Green

Joey and I listen to NPR. This is turning us into Green conservatives, if there are such things. We totally think that climate change is a major problem facing society, and are doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint(s) and to take care of the beautiful Earth that God created for us.

Here are some of the minor changes (and relatively easy!) we've made to our lives that will, eventually, make a major impact!
  • We recycle everything possible.
  • We take our own shopping bags when we go to the grocery. They are made out of recycled material and are biodegradable.
  • We try to buy products that are made from recycled fibers instead of plastic (ew!)
  • We try not to use paper plates, plastic forks, or plastic cups. It's not so hard to do dishes!
  • We do not use Styrofoam, that stuff never breaks down.
  • We're selling the Honda, and then we'll only have one car!
  • We're seriously considering trading our Corolla in for a Prius hybrid.
  • We go easy on the lights and A/C, and are really trying to remember to turn the A/C down during the day. Henry doesn't need it to be that cool...
You certainly don't have to sell a car to be more Green-friendly, but maybe you could take your own shopping bags, buy Chinet paper plates that will decompose instead of styrofoam ones, or start recycling.

It's easy and painless. We promise - if we can do it, you can too!


  1. Sister! How proud I am of you!! Stephen and I have been doing the same thing and trying to learn more about what we can do to help the environment. Whether or not the earth will eventually explode in a ball of gas because of climate change, I don't know, but what I do know is that God put us on this earth to care for it, and we are doing nothing of the sort for our environment! It's not that hard to make a few simple changes to better our environment, and if everybody did, then we would see some healthy changes! However, did you know that recycling actually uses up so much energy that studies say it may not be worth it? :-\ I still don't have a fixed opinion on that one...But anyway, good for you guys, and I'm excited to get my shopping bags:-)

  2. I agree with Green, although I'm not as disciplines as I'd like to be! The grocery bag thing is already being practiced for us. We are anticipating it in Germany (no paper or plasic options's bring your own or bust). So, I'm making some nice sized cloth grocery bags from some lie-around fabric leftovers from previous projects. That's always, they are useful for more than just groceries!
