Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Uneventful And Boring

Nothing has been happening. Nothing at all.

The most excitement I've had recently is that Joey and I snuck Henry into the pool last night and let him run around while we read on the lounge chairs. Then later I put him on my raft and floated him around the pool. He liked that a lot until Joey capsized him.

Rundown of Recent (albeit boring) Events
  • Two roaches were spotted last week: one dead, one alive. Both were large. The exterminators are coming today and Henry is at the babysitter.
  • I made giant, chewy chocolate chip cookies.
  • It has been over 100 degrees for at least the last week. This does not affect me since I am inside all day and wear winter clothes because the AC is up so high.
  • Joey made dinner last night and accidentally put in twice as much cream cheese as the recipe called for. It tasted very yummy.
  • We skipped Sunday School. On purpose. (I think it was the first time we've done that before, too.)
  • Joey is taking me on a Very Romantic Date to see Nancy Drew this evening! It's 50¢ night at the cheap theater.
  • We both had headaches last night. (Henry did not, except he was kind of mad that he got water in his ear when Joey capsized him.)
  • Lunch today is Swedish Meatballs. I don't like Swedish Meatballs.
Did you not just about fall asleep reading that? (I very nearly fell asleep typing it.)

And now I think I'll go get me some Swedish Meatballs for lunch.

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