Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Failed The Dentist

If it's possible to go to the dentist and flunk, I did it today.

But first I must emphasize just how much I despise going to the dentist.  I think it is cruel and unusual punishment reserved only for people who drink too much Mt. Dew (ahem, JOEY) and don't brush their teeth regularly.

But I don't floss (ever) and so I am on the naughty list now, too.

After much travail, I settled on a dentist up in Addison.  Joey and I arrived slightly late at 8:10 this morning, and it was an omen of things to come.  However the waiting room was real fancy and opulent looking with chocolate brown and gold plaster faux-finished walls.  The furniture was equally rich looking but, alas, even with my bum not touching the back of the couch my feet dangled 2 inches from the floor.

Joey tried to push on my knees to make my legs touch the ground, but it didn't work.  It was also abnormally cold in that office, I'd say 65 degrees.  So I was shivering the whole time.

The only positive thing about the experience was that there was a TV in my exam room and, while the hygienist took 19 x-rays (19!!) I was able to watch some morning show on ABC.  I don't know what it was called, Good Morning America maybe?

Anyway, Mr. Dentist man finally came in and, after shining bright lights in my eyes and poking all my teeth, whipped out a fancy camera and started taking pictures of The Bad Ones.  He was taking lots of pictures.

Here's the damage:

I have three cavities and a sealant over a former cavity that has come off.  So that means I essentially have four cavities.  (I think I've had two cavities on permanent teeth in my entire life.   My record is not looking so good right now...)

He also told me that, due to crowding on my lower teethies, I may want to see an orthodontist.  I've never seen an orthodontist or had braces.  I rebel.

Oh, and Joey only has one or two tiny cavities.  Not fair.

I hate getting cavities drilled, so I scheduled all my fixits on the same day, which was to be September 10.  Oh joy.

We went to see the payment lady afterwards and, surprise!, turns out our dental insurance isn't nearly as good down here as it was in Iowa.  The damage for fixing my teeth will be around $350 (that's our portion) and Joey's will run about $150.

We looked at each other and then I said to the billing lady, "Cancel my appointment.  That doesn't fit into the budget at this point, I'll have to get back to you later."

I'll think of a way to put off the scheduling lady because we're going to wait until after January 14 of next year.  Our medical reimbursement account will have more money in it then (we bought glasses with this year's) and $500 on cavities (yikes!) isn't really my idea of necessary right now.  I've had them for this long...another four months won't hurt, right?

I miss our dental insurance back in Iowa!!!

So, Mom, your kid who always had teeth the dentist raved about...well...she failed the dentist.  I hate to admit it, but it's true.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I have had 11 (That is ELEVEN!) cavities...TWICE! It was not at all fun! So my advice is to start flossing! There is a cool devise by Oral-B that you can put a little floss clip in the end of a toothbrush type thingy and it is as easy to floss as it is to brush your teeth! Another great device, if you can afford it,is a SonicCare tooth brush. Expensive but well worth it!
    I have never had good teeth and, until the last couple of years, didn't take care of them properly either!

  2. I hate going to the dentist too. I have TMJ syndrome. The last time I had my teeth cleaned, they had me keep my mouth open so long, my jaw locked and I couldn't close my mouth. The dental asst. was getting panicked, she said she had never seen anything like it. I finally got it closed but it took a couple minutes. So I don't go as often as I should either.
    Mom W.
