Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Congratulations To My Brilliant Husband!

He's probably going to kill me for this, but he doesn't like it when I tickle him and I still do it.

We just looked at Joey's grades last night and, lo and behold, they were all there!  (Previously one or so had been missing.)

LOOK HOW SMART HE IS!  And at Dallas Theological Seminary, no less.
Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics -- B+
Education Process of the Church -- A+
Elements of Greek - B+
Spiritual Life -- A+
Orientation and Research Methods -- A-
Intro to World Missions -- B+

I'd say he's positively brilliant , especially when you consider that he transferred from a much easier school mid-year.

I'm very proud of Joey.  He works hard, studies hard and even has time to play with me!  I'd say he balances everything really well.  And he gets good grades on top of it.

You can have an extra cookie, Joey!

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