Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Things I Tried To Make Me Fall Asleep Last Night

(Most were ineffective.)

  • Counting sheep.  (I prefer to count cows, but they don't jump over fences as easily as sheep do.)
  • Thinking about the most boring thing in the entire world.  (I got into conflict with myself over which thing actually was the most boring, then I realized I was arguing with myself about it and gave up entirely.)
  • Going to the bathroom.  About 8 times.
  • Opening my eyes really wide in an effort to make them sleepy.
  • Moving to the couch in the living room.  (After 10 minutes I got mad that I was on the couch and decided that if I couldn't sleep I might as well not sleep in my own bed.)
  • Looking at pictures of Hurricane Dean on Weather.com in the dark.  It made my eyes tired, but I still couldn't sleep afterwards.
  • Thinking about cockroaches.  (This only served to make me even more wakeful.)
  • Trying to clench up every muscle in my entire body, including my baby toe.  Try it, it's hard; it might even make you sleepy. (It didn't me.)
  • Praying.  (I think I fell asleep doing this, because I don't remember finishing Sarah Engle.  Sorry!)
And, after much pondering, I think I figured out what my sleeping problem was.  I drank 415 mg of caffeine in 2 hours yesterday morning.  That is a ghastly amount for any person, much less me.  I can't seem to process it in much less than 12 hours, so I probably just need to quit drinking any caffeinated beverages altogether.

Also, Cingular (my asthma medicine) is known to give jibblies.  So I'm not going to take it tonight (nuts, I forgot to take it this morning!) and we'll see what happens.

And I'm not eating (or drinking) anything after 8:00 p.m.  Let us see how this one works.  As it stands now, I am extremely tired and grouchy.  Beware.


  1. I know that for sure caffeine does it to me and usually as little as one 20 oz bottle of Pepsi at lunch is all it takes. You might be onto something with the caffeine thingy. It seems like that has been a staple for you as of late. :-)
    If I have one of those moments of sleeplessness but I am thinking clearly it doesn't bother me so much because I can be pretty productive with writing but if I am sleepy and still can't sleep that is most tiresome.
    I will keep praying for you as well.

  2. It was 1 am when Jim and I got home from the I-Cubs game...oiy. They won, but it was still a late night. I prayed for you then...walking from the car to the house I wondered, "I wonder (ha) what time it is in Dallas..." Assuming, it was central, I figured 1 am is a good time to pray for a sleepless friend. So, I did. It's okay that you didn't finish me in your sleepy prayer time...I'm just glad it worked. :)

  3. I hate the nights when sleep just seems impossible. I find that focusing on relaxing every muscle in my body helps a lot. It sounds weird, but if you first relax your eyes, then your mouth and jaw, then your neck, shoulders, arms, fingers...and just work your way down your body, it helps. By the time you get to your toes, start at your eyes again. I also switched to chemical-free decaf coffee(usually...), and rarely miss the caffeine. Hope you're getting some rest!
