Monday, August 20, 2007


I successfully made myself sick on coffee this morning.

Anyone who knows much of anything about me is aware of how caffeine makes me wig out.  I get shaky, disoriented, jittery and generally feel like I need something to make me sober up.  If I had gotten more than 3 hours of sleep last night, perhaps I would not have felt required to drink 3 cups of coffee in less than 2 hours but, alas, I did not and so I did.

Am I making sense?  I'm still shaking and I finished my last cup of coffee 2 1/2 hours ago.  Oy.

See, what happened is that I was absolutely exhausted when I went to bed last night.  Then, once I realized it was Sunday night and I had to go Somewhere Bad on Monday morning, my "I Can't Sleep" function turned on and I lay there awake until around 2:00 a.m.  (As if that will delay the inevitable...)

I finally fell asleep shortly thereafter, but I kept having these bad dreams about Nazis with sticks chasing Henry and suchlike. I'd wake up after about 15 minutes then lay there for another 45 staring at the ceiling.

So, at 6:15 when my alarm went off, I refused to get up.  I had just fallen back to sleep after waking up at 5:45 from another bad dream involving Henry.  I reset my alarm and wound up getting out of bed at 7:05.  We leave for Somewhere Bad at 7:30, so it was kind of a fast and furious getting ready situation this morning.

Which is why I felt obligated to drink so much coffee this morning.  I was forgetting things, dropping things and otherwise acting like a stupid person, so I caffinated myself and realized that only intensified the problem.

I am now shaking, forgetting things, dropping things and acting like a stupid person.

There is no hope for me, nor is there any rest for the VERY weary.  It's all Henry's fault.

1 comment:

  1. I, Sarah Engle, as a fellow sleepless person, will commit to pray for you when I can't sleep, too, which is more often than not...

    I hate not sleeping, and yet at the same time, I hate sleeping - because it's such a chore. I'm not a coffee person,either, so I settle for...well, I guess I just settle for being tired. But I did find out this great make-up tip that helps me not look as tired as I actually am.

    Speaking of dreams...I think I've been keeping up on your blog too much. I had a funny Jenna dream. I dreamed that Jim and I took a trip to Dallas, which for some reason was just past Ankeny, and you and I were going to shop for antique bikes. (??) It was raining like crazy and you were driving even crazier (I was following you in my car). I thought "This must be a Dallas thing." We got into the antique store (where there were lots of way cool vintage bikes) and I hid behind a row of bikes blogging your adventure of vintage bike shopping (boring much?). Basically, that was it for Jenna starring in my dream. The next section was Jim and I getting lost in Dallas because everything looked like Des Moines. Our getting lost made us miss breakfast, and needless to say, I woke up very hungry and confused.
