Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Fall-Apart Morning

I picked out a pair of pants last night that I haven't worn in 6 months.  (Forgot I had them...)  I was concerned that they wouldn't fit, so I tried them on last night.  They fit. 

This morning I got dressed in my usual hurry and glanced at myself several times in the mirror.  Something wasn't quite right but I couldn't put my finger on it.  I gave up trying and Joey and I were out the door by 7:30.

As soon as we sat down in the car, I crossed my left leg over my right.  It was then that I noticed it.

"Joey, there's no hem on the left pant leg!"  I wailed.

"Do you have a needle and thread at work?"  He asked as he backed out of the parking spot.

"No..."  I said, wilting.

So there I was.  One pant leg was an inch longer than the other and I was feeling very self conscious all morning.  I asked about three people for a sewing kit before I gave up, despondent.

People were offering me all sorts of condolences and helpful ideas.  I tried taping the hem but that didn't work at all.  Someone also suggested stapling, but considering I am wearing black pants I vetoed that.  (I think I would have vetoed it on principle, though, as I can't imagine stapling any of my clothing together, ever.)

To make matters worse, at about 10:30 the clasp that mostly keeps my pants from falling down broke off, and the button is about to go as well.  (There was a reason I haven't worn these pants in 6 months, although why they weren't in the mending pile I have no idea.)

Fortunately I had the foresight to grab a safety pin this morning, and that's what's keeping me decent at the moment.

I want to go home.

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