Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I ran downstairs to post a letter and wound up being gone for 20 minutes.  When I returned, there was a fortune cookie sitting in my inbox.

"Um, does anyone know where this came from?"  I asked.

Unanimously the answer was no.  Whoever left it must have been Very Sneaky Indeed.

After poking the fortune cookie several times in a rather investigative manner, I determined that it was safe to eat.  I don't think I'm on anyone's hit list right now and it was wrapped, after all.

The cookie was tasty.  (I think it came from Pei Wei, actually.)  I ate it in three bites and then opened up the fortune to see what it said.  I giggled.  It said:

Your co-workers take pleasure in your great sense of creativity.

How's that for ironic. 

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