Friday, October 26, 2007

Elevators Are Lame

This morning I was in the parking garage waiting for the elevator to arrive to take me up out of the dungeon.  I had pushed the "up" button and, quite suddenly, two "up" elevators arrived at the exact same time.

What's a girl to do?  I picked the nearest one and the two other people who had also been waiting for an elevator got on with me.

The doors shut suddenly and I realized I'd made a mistake.  The elevator was malfunctioning and, while it said it was going up, it was really going down.  And stopping at all the other floors between us and the bottom on its way.

"Nuts, the elevator is broken!"  I said, by way of explanation to my two elevator buddies who were looking at me oddly and trying to figure out why I was staring at the row of buttons. 

One of them happened to be an acquaintance of mine.  I looked at him, sighed, and said, "I'm going to have to send in a ticket to Support about this elevator being broken."

He looked at me with a very worried look on his face. I could almost read his mind: Doesn't this girl know that sending a ticket to Support will do her absolutely no good since the elevator we're currently on isn't anywhere near our office?  And even if it was, she'd have to put in a maintenance work order and not a Support ticket...

"Are you serious?"  He asked me gently.

I cracked a smile.  "No," I said.

He sighed a very great sigh of relief.

And the elevator finally stopped going down and began going back up to the ground floor like it was supposed to do the entire time.

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