Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumpkin Carving!

Joey and I are pumpkin carvers extraordinare. OK, well, maybe not that good. But our pumpkins are killer sweet this year.

Joey, after much deliberation and painstaking selection, decided he would carve a bear holding shark into his pumpkin.As you can see, it turned out very much like one would think a bear holding a shark carved into a pumpkin would look.

"Joey, is that bear wearing a scarf around his neck? Or are those his teeth," I asked when he showed me his work of art.

He sighed. "Bears holding sharks do not wear scarves. Those are obviously teeth. How can you not tell that?"

I giggled; I could totally tell, I just wanted to rile him up. It always works, too.

My pumpkin design was a little bit more difficult.

"Can I carve The Kid into my pumpkin?" I asked/whined. "I miss him."

"No, you are grounded from The Kid. You cannot carve his face onto your pumpkin; try again." Joey said. I think he was trying not to laugh at me.

I thought. And thought.

If I couldn't annoy one brother, I'd have to annoy the other brother. I tried to think of what would annoy Andrew the most...

We ruled out Henry's tongue because it would be too un-annoying once carved into a pumpkin. I decided to go with Marshie the Marshmallow. (From!? Come on, guys, seriously. How can you not know this?)

I found a pattern online and traced it onto my pumpkin, then began to carve using these fantastic tools that we got at Target.

Much, much easier than using the butcher knife, Pops.

This is my finished product of Marshie the Marshmallow. It's a real bad picture of me.Take that, Andrew. So annoying, huh?

And these are our pumpkins together. Aren't they quite fantastic?


  1. A whole new meaning has been given to pumpkin smashing.
    a.k.a marshie pumpkin needs smashed.
    The bear holding a shark is pretty cool 5+.
    5- for Jenna's lack of sensitivity to all of us that hate marshie.
    5+ for henry that he didn't make a pumpkin.


  2. I like them both. Although the shark looks more like a touch down at the Iowa game. Like the pumpkin, it has a brief life, unexpected and not too long lasting.

  3. Woah, your Marshie is AWESOME! And I think that's a quite cute picture of you, Sister. I thought the bear holding a shark was also from Homestar....Your tools must be kick-awesome. The other year, Stephen and I were carving Pumpakins, and we picked this really awesome white one. Upon attempting to cut into it using a butcher knife, I realized that it was NOT pumpkin, but a gourd. Those things are DENSE!
