Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Geico the Gecko

Joey and I walked to NorthPark last night to make use of my $25 off card at Ann Taylor Loft before it expires on Friday. (And today I'm wearing a very lovely red cardigan set that Joey picked out. Good job!)

It was kind of dark as we were walking home about 7:45 and Joey was talking to The Kid about some new fancy "Leopard" thing for their computers. This left me with nothing to do but watch cars drive by and stare at the sidewalk.

Suddenly, I saw a brown flash skitter across the concrete.

"A baby toad!" I whispered, tugging on Joey's sleeve. Since all baby toads are cute and, subsequently, require that all native Lairds (which I am) pick them up, I stooped down to snatch up the baby toad.

It was not a baby toad.

It was a baby gecko. And I love geckos.

"JOEY! LOOK!" I shrieked, pointing frantically at the baby gecko that was now looking at me with its small, beady black eyes.

"Very cool!" He whispered enthusiastically.

"I'm taking him home. Can I take him home?" I began trying to trap the gecko. This was easier said than done as it was very nearly dark outside and the gecko was brown and gray, blending in almost perfectly with the concrete.

"If you can catch him, you can keep him," Joey said.

It took about 5 minutes of hopping around on the sidewalk, but I finally succeeded in trapping the gecko. He ran around on my hand, suctioning his little toes to my palm.

"I like him!" I giggled, "He's got funny little feet."

The gecko decided he didn't like me as well as I liked him and tried to run off my hand. So I held him in "I'm Bringing Home A Baby Bumblebee" fashion and we were on our way.

It is hard to walk for 10 minutes with your hands clasped together, but I succeeded. When we arrived at home Joey had to fetch a container for my gecko, who we/he named Geico, and we dropped the little guy in.

He was so very cute. We still don't have a camera, but I found this picture on Wikipedia.I watched him for a few minutes before I started to feel sorry for him.

"I'm going to let him go," I said. I carried Geico over to Joey. "You'd better say your goodbyes."

I dumped him out on the patio chair on the balcony and, before I knew it, he'd scurried away into the darkness.

"Are you sad?" Joey asked me.

"Nope," I said. " I caught a gecko."

In fact, I was quite proud of myself.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - I couldn't concentrate on anything "gecko" after reading about "leopard." October 26th it's COMING! Is Joey getting it for his computer? Can I play with it if he does? Looking forward to seeing ya'll on Sunday. Danny and I are really enjoying getting to know everyone - we have a great group!
