Friday, October 19, 2007

My Space Heater

"I can't handle it anymore!"  I said to Joey last night at dinner.  "My fingers were freezing all day; like little ice cubes attached to my hands."

"Ooh, that's no fun at all.  We'll go to Target tonight and find you a space heater," he said, twirling his green spinach-spaghetti noodle on his fork.  (Mom, I take back all that stuff I used to say about you and the green pasta you used to feed us when we were kids.  It's, um, tasty.)

After playing Frisbee for 20 minutes (turns out it works a lot better with this lame brace on my left wrist, I can catch it really hard without hurting the palm of my hand) and walking to PetSmart to look into a bark collar for Henry, we found ourselves in the space heater aisle of Target.

There were many, many options.  We were also pleasantly surprised to discover they were all on sale, about $5/model off.

Joey picked up a very fancy $25 (down to $20) model but, after reviewing its many features, I decided I didn't need it to tell me what the general surrounding temperature was (I already know it's freezing and it might lower morale if I knew just how cold it was) or any particularly fancy temperature-changing knobs.

So after talking Joey out of the fancy model, we left the store with the cheapest one on the shelf: one that cost a whopping $7.99.  All it does is blow 3 different temperatures of warm air and that's all I really need it to do.  Oh, it has a little "on" indicator light, too.

I can already tell today is going to be a good day.  My toes are so warm!

When all you really want to do is have kids and stay home with them, it's kind of necessary to get excited about little things. But, someday, when I get to stay home with my kids I can wear warm, cuddly socks whenever I want.  (And leave the 4 inch heels in the closet!)

For now, though, I'm thankful for my space heater.  I'd probably be in a really bad mood if I was sitting here shivering with cold like yesterday. (And the day before, and the day before and the day before...) 

And I've only got it on the medium setting.


  1. Jenna, I got the cheapest space heater from Target awhile ago, and it's been my favorite space heater! It's soooo nice to have warm toes. :)

  2. Sister, I remember when I discovered the space heater under my desk when I worked for Dad. That was a glorious day. Especially since my desk was right in front of the door and people were always coming in and out. It kept my toasty and content:-)
