Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Think That Truck Is Alive...

Joey and I went to Target last night to look for a wig for me to wear as part of my costume tonight.  No dice.  Unfortunately, I think all wigs were sold out sometime last week.

As we were walking back out to our car I noticed a large, ugly truck that hadn't been there when we first went into the store.  Just as I walked past the passenger door, the truck began coughing, sputtering and making sounds that could have been mistaken for an engine turning over.

It completely freaked me out.  There was no one in the cab.

I began having flashbacks to that one Strong Bad email where Strong Bad and The Cheat are watching the scary show on TV about the truck that's alive and The Cheat gets so scared he loses it and goes nuts.

"Um.....Joey?"  I asked, "Something's wrong with that truck. It's starting all by itself."

I vaguely remembered hearing ads for remote starting systems last Christmas, but that was back in Iowa and, seriously, who needs to remote start their car to warm it up when it's already 65 degrees outside?  Obviously that was not what was going on.  People don't need remote start systems down here, it never gets that cold.

Joey flipped on the lights and, disturbingly enough, at the same moment the lights from the truck, that I was beginning to think was alive, also turned on.

I whimpered.  "It's alive."  The truck coughed and sputtered again, but still did not turn over.

"No," Joey said half patiently, half not patiently "That is the reflection of our lights in the truck's headlights.  They did not just turn on by themselves."

"Yes they did," I insisted.

We backed out of the parking space (and got further away from the truck that was scaring me) and noticed that the truck's headlights were not dimming as we pulled out.  THEN we noticed some rag-tag individuals walking up to the alive truck and getting in.

"Oh."  Joey said.  "They must have done a remote start with it or something.  You're right, those headlights did turn on."

"That stupid thing scared me a lot."  I said.

Joey just shook his head and drove home. 

And the exciting part was that when we got home we walked, jumped, and rolled up the new pillows we got earlier in the evening.  (We were breaking them in; the guy at the store told us to do it!)  Joey is a serial pillow-killer and had destroyed all of our pillows but one - mine, which I won't let him touch. (We had nine pillows in our house up until I threw three of them out last night, seven of which we've purchased just in the time since we've been married!)  Poor Joey was consistently waking up grouchier and grouchier because his neck was hurting because he was sleeping on a mauled pillow. 

So, we think, we got a Joey-proof pillow this time.  At least it comes with a three-year warranty...

Anyway, it was kind of fun to jump on a pillow.  It burned off all the stress from thinking that truck was alive.

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