Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Un-ground Me!

OK, so, I was checking out The Kid's blog on my Google Reader since I'm not allowed to talk to him until Friday.  (I was going through withdrawal!)  ANYWAY, apparently The Kid saw a bunch of llamas loose on campus at his college. (One was even in a building!)

Fortunately he took pictures. You too can see the pictures of the llamas at Cedarville if you go to his blog.  (He's linked on the right.)

I haven't seen anything that cool recently and I am dying to discuss it with him.

Things I need to ask The Kid:
  1. Were the llamas part of some exhibit or were they just loose from some llama farm nearby?
  2. Did any spit on you?
  3. Did any do their business when they were inside the building?
  4. Did you pet them?
  5. If so, were they soft?
  6. Which one was your favorite?
  7. Did you chase them?
OH MY GOSH UN-GROUND ME RIGHT NOW!  I can't take it anymore!

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