Friday, November 02, 2007

Awesome Lessons

Whenever one of us screw something up or does something stupid, the other says, sadly, "You need to be more awesome."

(Usually it's Joey who needs to be more awesome, just for the record.)

"I know," the clumsy one will reply, glumly, "I need to take Awesome Lessons."

Last night we were at Half Price Books looking for something for Joey (his stash of hidden books got discovered by an employee so he was trying to find them all again) and he was taking forever.

I gave up and went to look for a magazine so I wouldn't stand there whining at him. I thought he might finish quicker that way.

It was 8:00, then 8:15. I finally called him (because I had no idea where he was) and reminded him that we hadn't yet packed, cleaned the house, made menus and a grocery list for next week, or played with Henry.

He assured me he was almost finished. I told him I was by the magazines.

A few moments later my phone rang.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm by the magazines." I said again.

"I don't know where those are." He replied.

The magazines are right next to the main entrance to the store and I could see him from where I was standing. So I waved at him.

"You need to be more awesome," I told him as I walked up.

"Oh, I am awesome." He said, showing me the book he had picked out. "While I was in there I got certified in Awesome."

"Did you..." I said. It was doubtful; I don't think they give Awesome Lessons at Half Price Books. At least they didn't last time I checked.

"Of course. I took the beginner's course and I am now certified in Prime Awesome. I earned a certificate, but they wouldn't give it to me." He said.

I smirked at him.

"I actually started the advanced one too, but I didn't have time to finish."

"What did the certificate look like?" I asked him. We were almost home by this time.

"I can't remember." Joey said.

I don't think he really got certified. I think he was making that up. I definitely have to give him credit, though. It was a pretty creative.

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