Sunday, November 04, 2007

We Came, We Saw....WE PARTIED!!!

We made it to Indianapolis! We had a GREAT weekend and it went very fast. Here are some pictures, in no particular order, of our crazy good time.

This is my cousin Sarah who goes to school with Sister and Stephen at Moody. She tagged along and we were very glad to have her, indeed.

This is Grams, Pops and Andrew on Saturday morning. I think. Pops is wearing the Breathe-Rights and looks kind of sleepy, so this is what makes me think it's Saturday morning. Andrew, you may notice, is wearing his shirt inside out and backwards. (He was doing this to see how many family members have OCD and couldn't handle him having it on the wrong way. He's weird.)

On Saturday night we squashed Joey, me, Andrew, Laura, Ashley, Stephen, Sarah, AND Pops into the hot tub. We made a flower with our feet. Isn't it beautiful?

There were so many of us in the hot tub that we made the water overflow and get all over Grandpa's deck. None of us told Gramps because we didn't think it was very important, and also if it was important none of us wanted to get in any sort of trouble. (Besides, the water didn't start really overflowing until Pops got in, and he's Gramps' kid.)

Correction: Obviously The Kid is in the hot tub also. Many apologies for leaving him out in the first edition of this post. He clearly needs to take anger management and etiquette lessons, as is evident by his very rude comment.

These are my grandparents. Don't they cut a nice figure?

I can stick both pinkie fingers in my nose up almost to the second knuckle. This bothers The Kid really badly, so I made sure to do it during dinner. Pretty amazing if you ask me. But my nose hurt real bad...

A picture of the entire family on the front steps of our grandparents' house! It's my family, the grandparents and the Kosegis (Pops' sister and her husband and their kiddos) and Ernie the dog.

I found this woolly bear caterpillar on a walk that we took. I love woolly bears. It was so nice to be able to enjoy the Fall leaves and colors!

We all felt like this by Sunday afternoon. This is Andrew, Laura and Ernie sleeeeeeping.

Joey and I! Isn't this a fun picture? I love the Fall colors and leaves! We don't have any of that down in our part of Texas. (Sigh.)

Mom, me and Sister this morning outside the grandparent's house. We have so much fun together.

And this is Sister and I. We are, of course, Sisters and love singing the "Sisters" song from White Christmas ad nauseum.

And this unfortunate creature is Ernie. He's somewhere between Alex's/Andrew's dog and he threw up all over himself on Saturday night and smelled very strange afterwards.

This was probably the best weekend I've had in a long time. I think I told Joey "thank you" about 15 times on the flight back to Texas last night, and I probably didn't tell everyone else thank you enough either! So...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


  1. Joey's hair looks long and not spikey! Is he growing it out?

  2. Um, crapface ... I'M IN THE HOT TUB TOO!!!

  3. Crapface? alex...that's harsh.

    Jenna: I love the picture of you and Joey. :) Adorable.
