Wednesday, November 28, 2007

268 mg of caffeine in 6 hours...

I woke up at 5:00 with a fearsome cluster headache. (I'd felt it coming on about 9:00 last night so I was at least sort of prepared.)  It hurt so bad that I didn't even get up to take Excedrin Migrane which, in hindsight, was a pretty bad idea.  In any case, when I finally hauled myself out of bed at 6:30, I popped 2 Excedrin tablets.  Each Excedrin tablet has 65 mg of caffeine, so that was 130 total.

Because of the headache I decided that I might as well have coffee with breakfast since I already had a headache.  Besides, maybe a little more caffeine wouldn't hurt?  So I brewed myself some drip coffee, which tops out at 100 mg of caffeine.

And now, with my Jason's Deli for lunch I am drinking a Pepsi, which has 38 mg of caffeine.

This puts my grand total of caffeine intake for the morning at 268 mg.  (Mom, don't pass out.)  I'm starting to feel a little jittery, caffeine paranoid, shifty, and otherwise strange.


1 comment:

  1. So, the question is...did your headache go away? :)
