Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Father-in-Law Answers The Door

At 6:00 last night we decided to have Joey's parents over for dinner. So we rushed around and made sure we truly did have enough food for 4 people, then we all sat down to eat a nice meal of chicken marsala, biscuits and some other stuff that I can't remember right now.

The Lauras and I were planning to leave around 7:00ish from our place to go shopping for some Christmas gifts. Our SF group got a couple of names of needs DTS student's children, and so we planned to have a toy-shopping evening. Super fun.

Well, Laura #1 showed up at 7:00 and was kind of confused when she saw 2 other people in our house that she didn't recognize. She, naturally, thought she'd got the time/date/place wrong and was screwing up our dinner. We assured her that she was right on schedule, we'd just juggled around our plans.

Than...FIL#1 got a tricksy look on his face. "I should have answered the door and freaked you out! Made you think you had the wrong place and everything!" He said to Laura #1, who was sitting on our couch. Poor Laura #1.

Joey laughed and laughed. "You have to do that when Laura #2 comes in a few minutes. And I'll take a picture of her face."

Even poorer Laura #2!

"She can handle it," Laura #1 said with a little giggle.

I decided the safest place to stay out of this mess was in the kitchen. So I left Laura #1 on the couch and started on the pile of dirty dishes we'd accumulated as we made dinner. About 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Joey and FIL#1 sprang into action. (I have never seen either one of them move quite so fast before.) Joey yelled, "Just a minute!" and FIL#1 took his place by the door.

FIL#1 opened the front door and said "hi" as Joey snapped a picture, and there stood poor Laura #2, just as confused as can be.
"What is going ON?!" Laura #2 asked as FIL#1 let her in the house. She was seriously confused.

Joey explained the prank and Laura #2 said she'd have been even more confused if Joey hadn't screwed it up by yelling "just a minute" the way he did. (Seriously, Joey.)

"That picture's going on your blog tomorrow, isn't it," Laura #2 bemoaned.

(Of course it is. I mean seriously, look at that amazing look on her face?!)

We all had a good laugh, mostly at Laura #2's expense, and us girls headed out to go shopping. A good time was had by all.

Well, I think all. Hehehe...


  1. I KNEW IT! I KNEW that picture was going on the blog. I don't know what was worst - wondering WHAT ya'll could possibly be doing that you had to yell "Just a minute!" before opening the door (yes, my mind was in the gutter) or wondering who the heck that guy was who answered the door and why there were bright, flashing lights going off. What a night!

  2. hahahah I love the look on her face :) Too funny!!
