Friday, November 16, 2007


So ever since we visited here a year ago when we walk by the fountain at DTS I ask Joey, "Can I get in it?" He always says no.

Until tonight.

It was dark, Security was off somewhere else and, when I asked if I could get in the fountain he actually said YES!! So I ripped off my shoes and socks, rolled my pants up as far as I could possibly get them, and jumped into the fountain.

It was freezing cold. And a lot deeper than I'd been planning.

" jeans are getting really wet," I said as I stood on my tiptoes trying to keep the fold (which was right at my knees) out of the water. He finished taking pictures and I sloshed out of the fountain.

My calves were white with cold and the fold of my jeans was dripping with water, but I was about as proud of myself as I've been in a long time.

"I got in the fountain!" I crowed and skipped alongside Joey, linking arms with him and swinging the shoes I was holding with my left hand.

"Yes, you got in the fountain," Joey said with a grin.

I think he's secretly proud of me.

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