Friday, November 16, 2007

Light The Christmas Tree!

Tonight at 7:00 p.m. they lit the tree outside the downtown Neiman Marcus store. Joey and I were there to witness the madness.

The "tree" was actually not a tree at all, but a bunch of aluminum can looking things stacked on top of each other in a treeish shape. There were some ornaments hanging from the "branches", but as far as trees go, I'd give it a -2. This is why you do not see a picture of the actual Neiman Marcus tree here, just a picture of the outside of the store.

The Cowboy Band marched down the street from Neiman's to Pegasus Plaza where another, taller, more Christmassy Christmas tree was lit 30 minutes after the Neiman Marcus tinfoil tree.

I found the Chase dog.

Ho Ho Ho backwards says Oh Oh Oh...

I'm standing in the middle of the road...and I'm really really tiny, but I'm really there right in the middle. Joey made me do it. There were a couple of cops standing next to me but when they saw that Joey was taking a picture they skeedadled out of the way.

I love Joey! Aren't we so cuuuuute?

There were about a million people downtown. Actually, no, not a million. Not even close. But if you stood in the right place at the right time it kind of felt like a million.

Joey found this huge boom and he wanted me to take a picture of how amazing it was. I'm not sure I captured its true...majesty. But it's still cool, honey.

Joey said, "Hey, Jenna!" I turned and looked at him...and he snapped this picture.

After we got tired of being downtown, we went over to DTS to watch The Office. But first we ran around campus and took pictures. Most of them turned out kind of dark and hard to see, but Joey was feeling kind of artsy when he took this particular one.Too bad it's sideways.

We're outside the library. I was trying to make it look like I was actually IN the bush... Joey told me that if I climbed in the bush I'd get in trouble. I asked him if I could get in one of the bushes if it was a scrawny bush and he just laughed at me.

Pretty much Friday nights being married are a million times better than any Friday night when I was single. Doing just about anything with Joey is more fun than most people have in an entire month.

It's been a good Friday.

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