Friday, December 14, 2007

Joey Exercises Great Self Control

So I had a couple extra bucks laying around and thought to myself, "I think I'll buy Joey that 17 inch MacBook Pro laptop thingy he's been wanting but I wouldn't let him get way back when."  I'd been feeling kind of guilty for buzzkilling him last year when he purchased his current laptop, so I wanted to make amends.

I made The Kid help me because I don't know much about computers.  He asked me questions like,
"Do you want high res or low res?" (I don't even know what that is...)
"Does Joey want glossy or matte? (I knew the answer here: glossy)
"Does Joey want 2.33 or 2.4"?  (Again, what even IS that?)

He also asked a bunch of other stuff I can't even remember.  Finally, everything was settled on and I ordered Joey's Dream Machine.  I felt like the nicest wife in the entire world.  Think of how much more amazing movies would look on a 17 inch screen instead of our little 13 inch!

I wondered how I should tell Joey that I just spent an unauthorized ton of money.  I decided I'd just give him the payment slip with the specs on it so that way if, for some really strange reason, he didn't want it I could return it before he had his Dream Machine in his hands.
After I picked him up I gave him a kiss and handed him the sheet of paper.

"What....what is this?!"  He asked.

"That's yours, I bought it for you today,"  I replied.  "Is it what you always wanted?  The Kid helped me."

"It's better than what I wanted.  It's amazing!  But...we can't keep it."  Joey looked over at me sadly.

"Aw maaaaan, are you serious?"  I said.  I was afraid he'd say that.

"I need to use the one I have for another couple years before we replace it. I need to learn to be a good steward of what I currently have."  He looked very longingly at the piece of paper he held in his hands.

"OK..." I said, "Let's go cancel it then."

We walked over to the DTS library and attempted to cancel the laptop.  However, that was impossible because the order had been fully processed.  So that means the thing is going to ship all the way to my office and then I am going to have to return it.

"Do not let me touch that," Joey said.  "I will keep it if I see it."

"I know."  I said.

"I can't believe you bought me that computer!"  Joey said as we walked back to the car.

"I can't believe you're not keeping it."  I said giving him a little poke in the ribs.

"In two years you can buy me the best best best computer there is.  And a video camera."  He added, quickly.

"A video camera has never been in the deal," I replied wryly.

There was a pause and then: "Can we get a big monitor to watch movies on?"

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, I feel your pain. John has taken back many presents I have gotten him that I thought were great and I was really proud of. You could always sell the old computer. Do you know anyone who needs one? Would that help justify it!
    And you will need a video camera in a couple years for the baby!
    Mom in law
