Monday, December 17, 2007



I think I have come up with a brilliant new business proposition for you. It involves reindeer, which I know you don't want to purchase because they're not beef, but I am hoping to convince you to open your mind or something. I'd probably be the happiest girl in the entire world if you bought a reindeer, and I'd try to convince all my Texas friends to come up North to see you and your reindeer. What would be cooler?

Please see Exhibit A: the Wiki on Reindeer

Reindeer are very versatile and cute. Also I guess some people eat them, but I don't know why you'd want to.

Also, having a reindeer would be a good extra source of income. About August of every year you could start eating lots of doughnuts and brownies and grow your beard out real long and fluffy. Mom could help you dye it gray. You could get a nice big red Santa suit and stand outside with your reindeer and then children could come by and pay money to see Santa and his reindeer. (If you wanted to make it more authentic you could get 8 reindeer...)

Some Important Reindeer Facts compiled by 2nd graders:
  • A full grown reindeer can run between 12 and 15 miles an hour pulling a loaded sleigh. They can do this for many hours. (very useful, I'd say)
  • Caribou and reindeer are not the same animal they are cousins. They are not the same because reindeer are smaller.
  • Reindeer can be found in northern parts of North America, Asia, and Europe. It is very cold where they live.
  • Reindeer eat reindeer moss called lichen. It grows on the ground and is good for them to eat. (It would be valuable to take one to the Boundary Waters so it could eat the lichen in front of us and then we wouldn't slip.)
  • Reindeer owners cut a notch in the ears to tell who the reindeer belongs to.
  • Reindeer can carry up to 300 pounds. This is the same as they weigh.
Cows are cool and all, Pops, but I think you should reconsider your aversion to reindeer. Think of all the joy a reindeer would bring to your future grandchild someday. (In a long time, I mean. Not immediately or anything)

I leave you with a cute picture of a baby reindeer to sway your opinions.

Jenna, your oldest and most persuasive daughter

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