Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Case of the Multiplying Tool Caddys

Several weeks ago we went with our friends to Fair Park in Lights. Home Depot had a booth for children under the age of 12 or 13 to make free crafts.

"You look like you're under 12," Joey goaded me.

I took off my wedding ring and handed it to him. Then I marched off after Danny Stiller who also thought he could pass for under 12 or 13.

The lady didn't even bat an eye. She handed me a kit to make a wooden tool caddy and I proudly displayed my catch to Joey, who gave me back my wedding ring. Then he helped me put it together because I did it completely wrong the first time. You cannot glue the entire thing together before putting nails in it and expect it to hold, I discovered. Glue gets everywhere and nothing sticks together. What a mess.

Anyway, I got very frustrated and made Joey come finish my tool caddy, and he did a wonderful job. He barely even got any glue on himself.

This is what our tool caddies looked like once we finished them. And, yes, those are safety goggles you see on my face.

My tool caddy, unfortunately, has sat in the backseat of our car since then. It's not really useful but I couldn't bear to throw it away.

Last Saturday Joey and I switched cars with Danny and Laura so we could take their Jeep up to Ikea to bring back our NEW BEDROOM FURNITURE! (It's amazing, our dresser drawers open smoothly and don't fall out anymore!) I hurriedly cleaned out the grodies in our car and stuffed the tool caddy under the passenger seat. And we were off.

Joey traded our cars back later that evening and on Sunday, as we drove to church, I noticed our tool caddy was sitting in the passenger's seat. That's weird, maybe they wanted to look at it or something? I thought to myself. I threw it in the back seat without a second glance.

We girls had a cookie exchange on Sunday afternoon, and the boys went to see a movie at the cheap theater. As we were leaving Laura #1's house (not to be confused with Laura Stiller, Jeep owner) Danny mentioned that he'd put his tool caddy in our car for us to burn in our fireplace.

"OH! That's how we got two!" Joey said. He must have noticed that we had two in the back seat. He's more observant than me.

I considered protesting, just to be difficult, that maybe we didn't want to burn their tool caddy when Danny trumped me. "It's better for the environment than throwing it away..."

My budding environmentalism is being used against me. Anyway, we burned their tool caddy. It made a nice, hot fire...lots hotter than the regular wood we got from the woodman. And here, taken by Joey, is a picture of the poor little tool caddy going up in flame.


  1. Now you've learned your lesson - don't let Danny Stiller know your vices - he will always use them to his advantage. :-)

  2. Joey was probably so good at making the tool caddy because we made them in Cub Scouts!!
    Scout Leader Mom
