Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Has anyone but me every wondered why those things that wild boars root around for in the ground are called truffles? I mean, they're not anything like the chocolate truffles I'm eating right now (Harry and David ones, courtesy of some Fund).

Truffles that are not made of chocolate look like little poos. Why would anyone want to eat that, much less pay $75 for a dish of them at some restaurant?

This is something that has always bothered me. If anyone knows the answer, please enlighten.

1 comment:

  1. The truffle term came about the other way around. Chocolate truffles are called truffles because they kinda resemble the fungus: small, black, lumpy, decadent.

    Here in Oregon, we have good access to both chocolate truffles, and my preference, true truffles.

    I suppose that the addiction people like myself have to the "little poos" is a lot like how some feel about chocolate - not sure why but just can't get enough...

