Friday, December 21, 2007

Wonder Woman

This is what I have done in the last 14 hours.  I am very exhausted.
  • I took down Christmas and redecorated the house back to the way it used to be.  This, unfortunately, involved Joey throwing our very dead Christmas tree over the balcony (we'd have had a major needle disaster on our hands if we tried to take it out the conventional way through the front door) and me dragging it out to the Dumpster and launching it in one-handed.  It also involved finding dead pine needles in strange places on my person for the next several hours.
  • We (mostly me) cleaned the entire house.  It was more than necessary because of the dead pine needles that were all over the place...
  • Joey studied while I cleaned and then took a final at DTS while I ran to the hospital to drop off a gift for a friend
  • We packed to go out of town for a week - to Iowa! - because we have to leave today at noon instead of Saturday morning because of some ice storm they're getting up there.  Hooray!
  • I got up at 5:00 a.m . so I could get to the office by 6:00 a.m.  That is too early for anyone to be thinking logically about anything, if you ask me.
I'm ready to hit the road, Jack, get outta Dodge, and blow this Popsicle stand, and however many other expressions there are...because I need a nap!

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