Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dream and little dream...

So last night Joey and I both had extremely weird dreams that I simply cannot resist blogging about.  Since this is my blog and my dream was shorter, we'll start with me.

I dreamt that I was at camp on staff as a counselor again (the very same camp at which I was awesome and hid in the Dumpster during counselor hunt) and Joey was there too.  Only he didn't look like Joey, he looked like someone Entirely Different.  Anyway, we were all getting ready to do our afternoon activities when a bomb exploded up at the chapel.  (We watched MacGyver before we went to bed...)  Joey came running down the hill looking really proud of himself and proclaiming, "I killed the camp director!"


So anyway, I woke up all traumatized because I liked the camp director.

I told Joey about my dream and he said, "You know, we must have both had strange dreams last night."  And he proceeded to tell me his.

My family and we were all in Heaven (I didn't ask him if there was a Rapture or not, Sister...) and we were headed to the Heaven Convention Center.  (Apparently there is one of those...)  We were going to hear Al Mohler because he was speaking; Dr. Young was the other speaker, I guess.  So we walked in as a group and Joey sat down in a place that seemed good to him, but we all walked right past him and sat somewhere else.  Poor Joey.

He came over to us and said, "Guys, I had spots for us over there!"

I told him I was mad at him, and thought he had run off and left us.

Once the conference began, Joey thought it was too loud.  He leaned over to Stephen and said, "Wow, this is really hurting my ears!"

Stephen pulled a 5 gallon bag of used earplugs out of his pocket and handed 3 of them to Joey, who plugged up his ears and was much happier.  (I enjoy the fact that Stephen actually fit a 5 gallon bag of anything in his pocket, much less used earplugs!)

It was about this time that Joey woke up and his dream was over.  "But you know," he said, pausing, "I'm not sure we ever saw Jesus during all that time we were in Heaven."

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