Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So I have this weird pet-peeve/paranoia about fingernails. I hate, hate, hate it when they start getting long enough to see the white part, but I also think my fingers look slightly less like little pink sausages if my fingernails are a big longish.

The problem is that for the last three weeks I've been trying to grow out my nails. But whenever I look closely at them I get the willies and think germs!, unnatural!, ugly! or something else equally negative. But when I just glance down at my hands I think Hmm, slightly more elegant than normal...

I sit here and ponder just how many germs are collecting under my fingernails. How it would really hurt if I broke one off. Wondering why fingernails have a certain "fingernail" smell and wishing mine would stop. Retraining myself from rushing to the bathroom and cutting the beastly things off.

Problem is...I hate cutting my fingernails because it sounds terrible and I always feel like a serial killer. I read a book when I was a young and impressionable pre-teen where the killer type guy put fingernail clippings in an envelope and mailed them to his victims.

As you can see, I have issues. All morning I have been waffling--do I cut them, or do I not cut them?!

I can no longer take it; I am going to cut them. Sorry Joey...


  1. okay - if there was any doubt before - it's now official - you're just a little bit ocd. Whosever SMELT their fingernails before?! Whattheheck. You're crazy, but I'm glad you feel better.

  2. Ladyface, I believe what you should do from this point forward declare everytime you have a 500 or 1,000 visitor mark, (so, this would happen when you get a 12,500 or 13,000 visitor count), and make a post about who the visitor was for you x,000th visitor. You know, what internet provider they use, what OS they're on. All the good information your stats page gives you ;).
