Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another one for The Kid

Whenever The Kid gets bored he says "Lady, write me a blog post.  Do it now." 

And five minutes later, "Lady, why have you not posted this morning.  Gosh.  I'm bored, write me one now."  And so on and so forth.  This requires that I basically drop whatever I'm doing and acquise to The Kid's demands because, as we all know, he pretty much needs to get his way immediately Or Else.  He's very spoiled.  Very.

So this time he told me how I'm supposed to blog about how he's cooler than me, but how Texas is cooler than Ohio.  Riveting material to go off, eh?

1.  The Kid is cooler than me.
I suppose some people probably think this is true, but just last night as we were driving home Joey said, "You should make your nickname be 'Maximus' and The Kid should be 'Minimus'.  You know, becuase you're cooler."

"No way," I replied.  "The Kid would be 'Maximus' and I would be 'Minimus'; no question about it."

"Whatever," Joey said.

The Kid seems to think he's cooler because:
--he's taller
--he has had his ear pierced for longer than me
--he was the Hawaiian Surprise
--everyone likes him better than me anyway

It's all probably valid when you think about it.  So OK FINE, man, you're cooler than me. 

2.  Texas is cooler than Ohio.
Obviously this isn't going to be a hard sell.  I mean, what does Ohio really have that's cool besides Cedarville and The Kid?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  I don't really know what else to put here either because Texas just IS cooler than Ohio.

So, the Kid, I hope you're happy now.  I blogged and it's basically all about you.  Selfish beast.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so maybe I'm a naif here, but does "The Hawaiian surprise" mean what I think it does?
