Thursday, January 17, 2008

Joey: Barred from the DTS library

No, kids, I'm not joking.

My bible study had a "meet the husbands" night at DTS, and on the way home Joey asked if we could stop at the library so he could peruse something that was on reserve at the library for class. I bundled up in my kelly green wool pea coat, scarf, gloves and hat (it was 32 degrees here today; bitter cold!) and we were off.

As I was checking my mail at the library, my sheepish husband came over and said, "Um, do you have any money?"

"Why," I stage-whispered. We were in a library after all.

"Because...I have a $2.95 fine and I haven't paid it in months. I'm barred from checking anything out."

I smirked.

"You have married a terrible person," the desk clerk said.

Joey looked glum.

"I have a dollar in cash," I said, digging around in my fancy wallet.

Joey looked more glum. "Can I just stand here and scan this?" He asked the clerk.

"Well, I'm not supposed to let you." Said Clerk-Man.

Joey glumness turned into downright wilting.

"But...I think I'll make an exception. You can sit in that chair over there and read the material, then bring it back."

Joey brightened a little at this. I pulled out the only check in my wallet and began to write a check for a lousy $2.95.

I wrote "terrible person" in the memo.

But the good news, I suppose, is that my husband is now unbarred from the DTS library. His comment was, "I wondered when they were going to bar me, I'd been disregarding the late-fee notices for a really long time."

I should have written "horrible person" in the memo, probably.

1 comment:

  1. I've had a lot of fines, once it was eight dollars! from, Abby
