Friday, January 18, 2008


Last night Joey and I decided to stop into Loft just in case the dress I've been watching drops in price to $30.  (He's a good sport, he likes shopping with me.)  It was really cold last night so I was wearing my green coat, cream hat and scarf combination and it was keeping me nicely toasty-warm.

We walked into Loft arm in arm.  There were two sales associates, a man and a woman, standing near the door, presumably folding clothes but quite obviously they were just standing there talking.  The woman greeted us with a "Hi, welcome to Loft!" like a normal sales associate.  The man, however...

"OH MY!"  He gasped.  "YOU look GREAT."

I glanced around to see who he was talking about but, oddly enough, no one but us was in the store.  I squirmed uncomfortably.

"I just love the green and cream combination.  Oh you look so warm!  That's a fantastic coat," and so on and so forth.  I grew even more uncomfortable.  We started to move away from the two sales associates as quickly as possible.

"Make yourselves at home!"  He told us, cheerily.

"That was the weirdest thing ever," I mumbled to Joey as we walked back to the clearance rack.  (Like all good DTS wives I only shop off the clearance rack.  An even then, only when it's basically free.)

"I guess he liked your coat," Joey replied.

"That has never before in my life happened to me, and it was super strange," I hissed.

"Does it make you want to buy more stuff?"  Joey asked.

No, it does not.

We did not find the dress on sale for $30, they still seem to think they can sell it for $50.  (Which is considerably lower than its original price, I only willing to pay $30 for the thing.)  We detoured around the outside of the racks in order to avoid the Overly Complimentary Salesman but, as we were leaving he cheerfully called out, "Done already?  You must be power shoppers!"

I suppose you could call us that.

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