Monday, January 21, 2008

Joey had to work today but I, lucky me, had the day off due to Martin Luther King day. I had great plans to sleep in and loaf around watching girl movies that Joey would really rather not watch, but he needed me to take him in to work. At 7:30 a.m.

So I got up.

I reorganized the hall closet, baked and frosted a cake from scratch, watched a movie, hung some artwork in the study, and thought I'd make Joey's life easier by adjusting the curtain rod in our bedroom. He was planning to do it when he got home, but I had so much extra time today I wanted to help him out.

So, armed with a star screwdriver (I can never remember if that's Phillips or regular), a stepladder, and gumption, I banged my way into our room, set the stepladder up and started taking things apart.

I got both rods of drapes off, no problem at all. I unscrewed one of the brackets, no problem at all. I picked the perfect position that I planned to reinstall it, no problem at all.

Then I tried to screw it back in.

Nothing happened. I turned and turned and turned, but as soon as I let the slimy little thing out of my grasp, it fell on the floor. I repeated this process several times before I gave up and went to get the hammer.

Surely Pops taught me how to put a screw into the wall... I thought as I rummaged around for the hammer. I went back into the bedroom where, full of fresh resolve, I climbed the stepladder and began attempting to pound the screw into the wall in lieu of screwing it in.

That didn't work either, the screw fell out of my hands and I hammered my finger. I glared at the wall, the screw and the hammer. Thinking it would be best to try one more tactic before giving up entirely, I put the screw into the place where all the drywall had fallen out from my attempts at hammering and I pushed as hard I as I could. Then I tried to screw it in again.

It fell on the ground.

"I give up," I said to no one in particular and put down the stupid screwdriver. I headed out to check on the cake I was baking because, when all else fails, I know I can at least do that.

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