Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Thoughts!

I received this most amazing snow globe from my grandparents upon their arrival to the great state of Texas. The snow globe is now sitting proudly on my desk where, when I need a smirk, I shake it around real quick-like and get the snow swirling and sparkling. Then I repeat as necessary.


Due to the fact that the Grandparents Laird were here in Dallas this weekend, I thought I'd recount some of the happy thoughts/times we had thereby turning the cold weather (sprinkles) into good, old-fashioned fun (sparkles).

  • We ate at La Madeline in Plano on Friday night and, I must say, it was delish. We stayed there for about an hour and a half, too, because Gramps and Joey kept talking and talking and talking...finally Grams and I couldn't handle the uncomfy chairs anymore so we made them leave.
  • On Saturday morning Henry woke us up at 7:30 because we'd forgotten to put him in his kennel. Once up, we managed to loaf around and still clean the entire house before Gramps and Grams came over at 10:30.
  • Gramps faked us out by suggesting we go to Krispy Kreme before running errands, only to reneg on us at the last minute. Joey still talks about his disappointment.
  • Grams went grocery shopping with me and subsequently bought all my groceries for me - thanks Grams!. Oh, plus two super pretty dresses at Loft - thanks again, Grams!. (I even tried, too, I'd get my Debit card out long before she had hers out and she STILL beat me to the swiper machine!) But we did buy some Blue Bell, much to Gramp's "chagrin". (He tried to appear sad but we all know he was really glad to have his very own Blue Bell for the RV freezer.)
  • We ate at Panera for lunch on Saturday and Gramps' food got forgotten. (Really, if that sort of thing had to happen to someone, it generally seems to happen to Gramps.) So we ate while he watched us. By the time his food came, we were all quite finished. Poor Gramps.
  • Danny and Laura got free tickets to the Symphony, so we took the Grandparents Laird! We all dressed up fancy just for fun, loaded into the Jeep (which was very dirty from getting hauled behind the RV for 900 miles) and drove down to the Meyerson. We parked in a garage and, it was decided, we would probably get stuck there for 30 minutes.
  • The concert was great, although I think Gramps got bored, and we made it out of the parking garage and home in 15 minutes flat.
  • On Sunday morning we visited First Baptist Dallas in honor of Grams. Then we ate lunch at Red Hot & Blue in honor of Joey. Nothing was done in honor of Gramps or I.
  • Later that evening we made record time hitting the outlet mall AND Costco in less than 2 hours. We were ridiculously organized. After purchasing enough paper towels to last us at least a year, we headed back to the RV where Grams and I built chicken salad sandwiches for dinner. Then we ate ice cream and played Mexican Train and stayed an hour longer than we had intended. Everyone won a round of Mexican Train except for me. Little surprise.
And so, we had a lovely time with the Grandparents Laird this weekend! It was first rate of them to stop by and we hope they do it again soon...

1 comment:

  1. Really - how many trees did you kill to buy a year's worth of paper towels? :-)
