Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Suggest A Hobby!

Last night at 7:30 I realized that I was bored. Joey was studying and my house was already clean. Dinner had been made and picked up. There was very little for me to organize since I did it on Monday. So I sat on the futon for a little while, then I harnessed up Henry and took him to Half Price Books where we tormented the customers for about 20 minutes.

Then we came back home.

I gave Joey a haircut (which, accidentally, I cut way too short...sorry, honey!) and then I resumed my perch on the futon and stared at the wall some more. Then, after 10 minutes of boring myself by doing nothing, I started the dishwasher and made Joey's lunch for today.

This leads me to believe that I need a hobby.

I have tried cross-stitching, knitting, and crocheting and all have had a major degree of either boredom or failure. I've also tried scrap booking but I hate it because it stresses me out because it's impossible to not be "behind". I hate to be behind in anything.

My current hobby seems to be some sort of baking, but I really need to curb that because the more I bake the more I seem to weigh. And if it were warm outside and not disturbingly cold I would be riding Thunder (my bike, of course), going for a run, or taking Henry on a walk.

None of these seem to be working out right now. SO...

I NEED A HOBBY! I'm open to suggestions, too.


  1. How about making more sweets for your already-getting-too-large husband?

  2. I say that you take your wonderful skills with words and write a book!It does not have to published or anything else just put that crafty mind of yours to working on some storyline. First, create some characters. Then put those same characters into some sort of predicament and work through to a solution.
    Perhaps have some friends that start out doing a geocaching and they discover the hidden stash of some evil mobster...

    Heh! Heh! Heh!

  3. Oh - I have lots of suggestions - mostly things that I like to do or have a long list of want to do someday - so here goes:

    1. Start couponing and shopping at CVS. I'll teach you everything you want to know about NEVER paying for things like shampoo, soap, razors, make-up and more again!

    2. Get cookbooks - healthy ones - from the library try them out and review them on your blog.

    3. If you have a sewing machine take up quilting - it's better than knitting, crocheting and cross-stitching - and the end product is better. Again, we could do this together if you don't know how.

    4. Take up photography and we can go into business together and forget about corporate america.

    5. You could always collect something - I use to collect stamps - which is fun because you never know which ones you're going to get in the mail. But that does require taking up space with binders and that might just mess with your organizational fetish.

    6. Set a goal to run a 5k, 10k, half-marathon and get on a workout plan and running schedule.

    Okay - that's all I have for now. If that doesn't keep you busy for a while, then I can't help you. :-)

    P.S. Is tie.crawler Joey? I was a little creeped out when tie.crawler wanted to be able to chat with me on gmail - he should identify himself if that's him. If it's not him then I'm even more creeped out.

  4. A veritable GOLD MINE of options! I intend to be very busy when I get home tonight. What's this about free stuff?!

  5. I'm going to bank off of a Greg's suggestion, except maybe instead a book with a storyline, a more satirical work about the evils of America ... or the internet ... or technology, since we know how much technology and Jenna don't get along. How about a book about being the housewife of a seminary student? Full of witty remarks and your audacious ways and witty remarks, not to mention quirks.

    What if you started another blog, but made it anonymous, and just made fun of pop culture all the time, like how Britney Spears used to actually be attractive, back when she had hair and wasn't in rehab, much like the anonymous blog of Fake Steve Jobs (except it's a satire on technology, not pop culture, but whatever). Anonymity seems to get everyone riled up, and you'd have visitors coming out the wazoo, which would give you a reputation like nobodies business, which would perfectly pave the way for you to write a book. So I suggest doing the anonymous blog, then the book :).

    Also, I would like to still be able to claim to be related to you.
