Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Government Is Lame

We ran out of 1099 envelopes so I was instructed to go find some.  They are due today and, in order to be appropriately postmarked, I had to have them in the postbox by 2:30. No problem.  I had three hours, it was only 12:30.  So I grabbed my keys, forgot my coat, and hit the road, Jack.

My first stop was Office Max.  I wasn't sure what I was looking for, so I found an employee to help me (who wound up trying to hit on me) but all he could really tell me was that they were sold out.  So I went to Best Buy (I know, I know, but I was told they would have some), another Office Max and an Office Depot.

Everyone was sold out of 1099 envelopes.  Everyone.  There were dozens and dozens of packages of W2 envelopes, though, and they looked disturbingly similar.

But, I reasoned with myself, why would they have a different bar code and item number if they were the same thing?  Why would the government streamline if they could make things more complicated?

I decided to risk it.  I bought the W2 envelopes. 

What do you know - the W2 envelopes are just a tiny bit different than the 1099 envelopes, the windows are slightly further apart.  So all that...and I still had to sort of jerry-rig some envelopes in order to get them to the post by 2:30.

I was five minutes late, too...but I think everything will turn out OK in the end. 

1 comment:

  1. Sister, I'm concerned about your ability to add...You said you had three hours before they had to be postmarked at 2:30...but that it was currently 12:30. Is that not only TWO hours?
