Friday, February 01, 2008

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Last night at DTS we got to sneak preview the director's cut of the Ben Stein documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.


I'm not usually one for documentaries (except for ones on animals, the environment or in my younger and less pacifistic days, ones on World War 2...I can't really watch them anymore without feeling severely anguished) but this was entirely well done, provocative (not that kind of provocative), and funny! Well, then, Ben Stein is the main character.

Unfortunately because of legal and non-disclosure stuff (the film's not due to be released until April, I think) I can't really say a whole lot about the film's awesomeness. The main theme is the issue of academic freedom, particularly on the issue of teaching Intelligent Design in higher (and lower) education. Actually not even teaching - merely mentioning! Several scholars, some tenured!, who were interviewed for the film were fired for referencing the possibility of Intelligent Design, not necessarily teaching it as fact. And so on.

Joey and I, as we left DTS to head home, could not stop talking about how well done the film was! We want you ALL to see it! If it comes to a theatre in your are please, please go see it on opening weekend! If Ben Stein and his dudes can cause a big enough stir in Hollywood with this, scientific type people who blackball anyone who sounds even slightly positive toward Intelligent Design just have to listen. Eventually.

There's quite a bit of Richard Dawkins in this film, probably more than the Intelligent Design scholars interviewed combined. Unfortunately I can't even tell you what he says, but you want to hear his comments regarding the potential of an Intelligent Designer in the last 10 minutes of the film. Absolutely shocking. And he's caught on film saying it, too.

Please go support this fantastic film about academic freedom, especially on the issue of Intelligent Design. You won't regret it, and I'll be super proud of you. So will Joey.

And...if you're wondering where you can find some information about Intelligent Design? Grab your Bible (or if you don't have one, your nearest library does). Flip it open to Genesis 1 and start reading. That Designer is as Intelligent as you can get -- and that's no fairy tale story, it's TRUE.

I'm so thankful I didn't evolve from primordial slime. Talk about a depressing outlook on life.

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