Monday, January 28, 2008

The Gross Dinner

I really like to bake and cook. If I had a hobby, it would probably be that. I got the Rachael Ray cookbook for Christmas, so Joey and I have been experimenting with new recipes lately. I tried one just the other day that, had I been of a rational state of mind when planning my menu, I probably would have stayed away from. It was called...

Lamb Meatballs in Tomato Mint Sauce

Just the name is gross. I mean, Joey and I like lamb...but...

I thawed my lamb the night before and, when I began making dinner for the evening the recipe name turned my stomach just a bit. But I pressed on thinking that it truly couldn't be as bad as all that.

As I mixed the slimy meatballs the smell began to overpower me. It smelled...really bad.

"Smells great, Love!" I heard Joey holler positively from the study. I decided not to ruin my chances and tell him how disgusting I thought dinner was going to be. After all, maybe it would improve once it cooked?

I'll spare you the blow-by-blow and just tell you that it went downhill very fast from that point.

The end result wound up looking like murdered lamb (with all the tomatoes globbed in the saround the meatballs) and smelled somewhere between dirty socks and old garbage. It tasted worse. Joey tried to put on a happy face but, after two bites he put his fork down slowly and said, "I'm sorry Jenna...but this is really gross."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "I KNOW! It smelled horrible when I was making it and it's nauseating me just to look at it!"

"I'm so sorry!" Joey bemoaned, "I know you worked for a really long time on this!"

"I don't even care, just as long as we don't have to finish eating it," I said, carrying my plate over to the sink.

"Take a picture so the blog people can see how gross this is," I said. Joey got his camera and happily obliged. Unfortunately you can't smell it when it's a picture, only see it. But try to imagine dirty socks and old garbage when you look at this mess and you'll be right about there.Tomatoes, mint and lamb are a VERY BAD COMBINATION. Don't let anyone fool you.

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