Monday, January 28, 2008

Red Sour Patch Kids

I have a very cool Sister.

"You have something coming in the mail," she told me last week. I eagerly anticipated the arrival of the mail every day, and it finally came on Saturday.

"You got something from Sister," Joey announced as he came in the door holding the long awaited mail.

"YAY!" I said, pouncing on it.

I opened up the little brown pouch and, to my sheer astonishment, inside was a small baggie filled with red Sour Patch Kids. I very nearly cried, and I barely ever cry.

"Sister...Sister picked out all the red ones," I said, squishing the bag of the beautiful candy. (The red Sour Patch kids are my favorite.) "The red ones are the best...she probably didn't even get to eat any!"I was trying, and barely succeeding, not to cry.

"You better eat one," Joey advised.

And so I did.

In fact, I ate the entire baggie while Joey and his friends watched The Bourne Identity and cleaned their paintball guns.

"Can I have a red candy?" Joey asked when his friends left.

"Um...I ate them all." I said.

"WHAT?! I never even got one!"

"Sorry, Sister sent them for ME," I replied selfishly.

And they were delish.

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