Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Joey's "Green" Bike

Due to our new and improved Green lifestyle, we sold the Honda several months ago and bought a bike rack.  With said bike rack we hauled Thunder - my bike, of course - back down from Iowa.  (He got very dirty on the 937 mile ride behind our car back to Texas, but I still love him.)

Anyway, Joey got some bucks around Christmas with which to purchase himself a commuter bike so he could ride the 5 miles from our house to DTS.  He was exceptionally pleased with himself and spent quite a long time at Performance Bike trying to pick the very best one.

His final choice was green and I think it's a Schwinn, but I'm really not sure.  All I knew when he showed it to me at the bike store was that HIS bike came with a bike bell.  Mine did not have one of those and I was jealous because what do boys need bells for anyway?.  So of course, we bought me a bike bell.

In order to store our bikes we had to buy a bike rack, which really wasn't as cost-prohibitive as I originally thought it would be, nor as ugly.  Our bikes now sit proudly by the window in our study and Henry isn't too keen on them taking up the place where his kennel used to sit.

On Sunday afternoon we picked out a perfect route for Joey to ride to school in the morning.  Not only is it just a touch over 5 miles, but it's SAFE!  I was a little concerned he'd have to ride his bike down the sketch part of Live Oak, but we discovered that Swiss Avenue is much safer and really not out of the way at all.

This is probably really, really boring.

All this to say, Joey rode his bike to school for the first time today.  He got there all wet from the mist, out of breath from the headwind, and probably real smelly too.  I can see that the Target list for next week will include things like "extra deodorant to keep at school" and "spare t-shirts for my desk drawer" and such things.

But it's pretty awesome that we're have more bikes than cars in our household.  :)

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