Friday, January 11, 2008

Henry gets his teeth brushed

Joey took Henny to the vet to get his Rabies shot booster yesterday.  The vet glanced at Henry's teeth while he was there and noticed that he had a bit of tartar buildup on his back teeth, and could we brush them every day?

Why sure.  No problem.  Henry had gotten a toothbrush and special doggy toothpaste for Christmas, after all. 

So last night while Joey was at his nerd meeting, I wrestled Henry down in the bathroom and I brushed those teeth.  I used his special green toothbrush with his minty fresh toothpaste and went straight for the gold.  Circular motions.  Every last one of them. 

Henry was not impressed.

He wriggled for awhile but finally gave up and just lay there shaking like a little puppy dog leaf; poor baby.  When I decided that I had done as much as I could for the first teeth brushing session, I gave him his treat and let him scamper away.  Five minutes later, he was back.

I was standing in the bathroom, brushing MY teeth, when Henry began making strange, foreign sounds.  Kind of like...

He threw up all over the linoleum.

"Henry!"  I wailed.  I can't clean up vomit, that's totally Joey's job, and he was at nerd meeting and not due to be back for two more hours.  Plus we are on our last half roll of toilet paper (rationing is in effect) and have only one paper towel as I used what was left to clean out the refrigerator last night.

Suddenly, he began making the strange sounds again.  Is he going to throw up more?! I wondered, frozen with indecision about what, exactly, to do with my barfing puppy.  Joey always holds him over the sink if he catches him throwing up, but I just couldn't do it.

So there I stood thinking, If I pick him up and he starts barfing, he'll get it on me or the rug.  If I leave him where he is, he'll just get it on the linoluem again and, as I thought, Henry threw up again.  Even more than the first time.

"HENRY!"  I wailed again, more pathetically than the first time.  He looked up at me with a "Mommy, are you proud of me?" face, and pranced out of the bathroom.

I stood there, looking at the mess on the floor and really not sure what I was going to clean it up with.  I finally decided on trash bags, of which I have an abundance, and started scooping it up.  It was the grossest thing; it took two trash bags, toilet paper, and the very last paper towel I scrounged up from the kitchen.  (So now we're completely out of those.)

After determining that the majority of the mess was cleaned up, I sprayed the floor down with my all-natural Sol-U-Guard to kill the germs.  Henry decided that the cleaner smelled good and came in to try to lick it up, which I wouldn't let him do.  (But he could consume as much of it as he wanted without any harmful effects, and that's my shameless plug for Melaleuca.)

All told, Joey just can't leave again for an evening because I can't handle cleaning up any more of Henry's vomit.  It's disgusting.  And I'm really not sure if I'll be brushing his teeth tonight or if it'll be Joey...

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