Thursday, January 10, 2008

Everyone please welcome my new vaccum named Jim, the Hoover

(Yes, Jim, I named my vacuum after you. I hope you are honored. It's the best vacuum I've ever had!)

I had to put in a lot of extra hours last week and Joey dangled the prospect of getting a new little bitty point and shoot camera with my overtime in front of me all week. Well, by the end of Saturday when we sat down to order the camera I decided I'd better be practical. So we bought a vacuum cleaner instead.

Our old one was a Great Grandma Special (along with about half of our house for the first two years of our marriage) and the last couple months it has been a challenge. It smells really...strange and hasn't been sucking properly. And so, I began to budget for a new vacuum cleaner.

We did all the responsible things Woestmans do before making a large purchase - we checked Consumer Reports, thought about it a lot, and I pondered about 55 different kinds in various stores when Joey wasn't looking.

We finally settled on a (bagless!!) Hoover Wind Tunnel which, conveniently, was spot with our price range AND rated #3 by Consumer Reports. It was also their "Best Buy", so we felt very responsible. We also ordered it from Amazon to avoid the whole paying tax thing, and we got free shipping! All in all, an excellent purchase.

I called Joey repeatedly yesterday afternoon to ask such important questions as: "Is it heavy" and "What color is it?" and "Are you looking at it right now? Is it amazing?" and "Please don't forget it?" and "Can I vacuum when I get home?"

He was about to stop answering my calls.

The moment finally arrived when we were home and the vacuum was just coming out of its box.

"Um, I need help," I said. The box was almost up to my shoulders and I was having leverage trouble getting the vacuum out of the box.

Joey immediately came to my rescue. He had the vacuum out of the box quicker than I could say "Hooray!", and it was down on the ground for me to admire and Henry to sniff at cautiously. Joey got out the camera and began snapping pictures.

Check out its fancy filtration action. (We think it's fancy because our previous vacuum had a really dusty bag that, when knocked just right, poofed dust clouds into the air. Plus it smelled like dead dust mite whenever we vacuumed.)

My personal favorite feature, aside from the cool light it has on the front, are those red and green lights that indicate whether the floor is clean or not. Red means "keep vacuuming" and green means "it's clean!" Most of our house, aside from right by the front door, has a green light. I couldn't get the red light to turn green no matter how much I vacuumed by the front door, so I gave up.

This is the whole thing. Is it not a thing of beauty?! Its paint job is even sort of shimmery, just like a new car.

I love my new vacuum named Jim! (And, if you look very closely, you can see Henry's head in the bottom left corner of the picture.)


  1. Congrats on your new purchase! It is very lovely. Does it have cool attachments too?

    So when you first vacuumed your apartment, was it red everywhere?

    Happy cleaning,

  2. I found Henry!

    I decided that you should make a book called "Where's Henry?" like "Where's Waldo?"

    Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.
