Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Here's a general update of recent events:

1.  Two days ago walked through the sensors at Kohls with only the clothes on my back and I STILL SET OFF THE ALARMS .  An employee came out after us to make sure everything was OK...
2.  My cartilage piercing is infected and it hurts, so I can't talk on the phone with my left ear or sleep on my left side.  But I still think it looks cool.
3.  I have to get up early on Saturday and this is really irritating to me because I wanted to sleep in.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to give you pictures from geocaching last night. Oh well, I was a little overwhelmed by too much baby talk.

    But maybe I should hold onto them until I blog about it - because you're blog much faster than me (meaning you don't wait two weeks until AFTER Christmas to blog about Christmas!).

    And, even thought you're being a whine-bucket about having to wake up on Saturday, I'll see love you and be your friend. Because I'd probably be whining too. :-)

    **Side Note: I just failed the word verification TWICE trying to publish this already too long comment - something's wrong with my eyes!**
