Monday, January 07, 2008

Joey Takes Off Henry's Coat

Because we were going to Iowa for Christmas, and it's bitterly cold up there, we let Henry's winter coat grow long and furry so he'd stay plenty warm. I thought he looked adorable, somewhere between a sheep, a teddy bear, and an ewok. Joey kept saying all week since we got back to Texas, "He needs a haircut." I kept putting him off.

I had to go into the office on Saturday, and when Joey came to pick me up at 2:00 I was really hoping he'd bring Henry with him. I like it when Henry sits on my lap and watches the cars zoom past him on the freeway; it's pretty cute. I approached the car and didn't see my little puppy's head poking out of the window watching for me like usual, so I assumed he was at home looking out the windows there, until...

I caught a glimpse of him, he was laying down on the passenger's seat. I brightened, smiled at Joey and prepared to open the car door and get in. When I noticed it.

"JOEY!" I wailed, loudly, in the parking lot, still outside the car. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HENRY?!"

Poor, poor Henry. There he sat, looking up at me with his cute fluffy face....and a completely shorn body. Well, except for his hind legs, those and his face were still as fluffy as he'd been earlier that morning. He looked positively ridiculous and it appeared that he knew it. He was acting shy and traumatized.

"He's naked!" I said, getting in the car and scooping up my baby. "You can see his spots!" (Henry has gray spots on his skin, which you normally can't see. They're his special polka-dots.) "His spots are private, poor little boy, and now everyone can see them!"

"I cut his hair." Joey said with a grin.

"Yes, you certainly did." I pouted.

"Basically what happened is that I couldn't remember if we used the 1/4 inch guard or the 1/2 inch guard, so I picked the 1/4. I think it was the wrong one," he admitted as we sped down Central Expressway. Henry wasn't even looking out the windows.

"Poor little guy, he knows he looks like an idiot. His's so...huge." Henry looked up at me with his brown, forlorn eyes.

"It'll grow back," Joey said cheerily, not in the least concerned about Henry's spot exposure or otherwise traumatizing haircut.

"I suppose," I conceded.

The first thing I did when I got home was try to trim his legs and face; the detail work on the haircuts is always my job. Joey's job is (was?) to use the buzzers to trim his body. I may have to rethink that going forward. I cut and cut and cut for the longest time, but I just couldn't seem to get his face to match the rest of his body. His legs look OK (a little gangly maybe, but at least they are even with the rest of him) but his face is still pretty much out of proportion. The result was this:
To anyone who thought Henry was overweight at Christmas...I rest my case.

1 comment:

  1. Thats the same thing dad always does to Muffy! She looks funny when he's done.
