Friday, February 22, 2008

Awkward Moment

Had an awkward moment today, and this one wasn't even my fault!  I found it really funny, actually. (Which is better than taking it completely personally and getting my feelings hurt, right?)  Hopefully you'll agree because, unfortunately, you will be without the benefit of a lot of back story as the aforementioned awkward moment occurred during The Day.  And, as we all know, Jenna does not talk about what she does during The Day for very specific reasons which Gramps is sure to remind me of often.

Suffice it to say, it has been a rather long year adjusting to The Day and its, um, challenges.  The first 6 months of our time in Dallas I was dreadfully lonely during The Day because no one really talked to me and I was basically ignored.  But all that's mostly better now, so you can stop feeling sorry for me and I will move on past my sob story.

So.  There I was eating lunch in a large room with several of those I spend The Day with.  This was an unusual occurrence for 2 reasons:
1.  Eating lunch together is weird because it barely ever happens
2.  When it actually does happen, they don't usually invite me

Anyway, I was trying to participate in the conversation and slowly it rolled around to the upcoming Oscars.

"Do you remember that great Oscar party you had last year?"  Someone said.

"OH, yeah, that was fantastic," Someone else replied.

Oscar party? I thought.  This will be interesting as soon as they all realize they're talking about something I was clearly the only one not invited to.

They carried on discussing the Oscar dinner party for a few minutes until someone, trying to cover for them all, said "How long have you been here, Jenna?"

"Since January," I replied kind of smugly.

Dead silence.  (The Oscars are at the end of February for those of you like Mom who don't know that.)

"Well we didn't really know you very well back then..." They all started talking at once, each trying to come up with a very valid reason as to why they had left me out.

"Plus you're from Iowa," one said, trying to crack a joke, "You never know with those Iowa people."

"It's true," I said, growing kind of uncomfortable with all the attention by this point, "It's hard to tell with us Iowans."

You know, I don't know if I even would have gone if they'd invited me.  In any case, it was kind of fun to watch them all squirm...serves them right a little bit.  Ahh, but vengeance really isn't mine now, is it?  Plus it's totally not worth it.  But if they ever do invite me to something I will bake the most delicious, tasty treat I can think of to bring so they decide they always need to invite me in the future.


  1. Good idea about baking a delicious tasty treat. Do not, however, leave it to cool in the open window of a 5th story apartment. It can have dire consequences.

  2. Oh, Jenna...I think I can relate with you 100 - check that...110%. When you move away...and sometimes when you move away and come back again - these things (being the uninvited and ignored) occur quite regulary.
    But, I agree with Ashley...the tasty treat is a great idea! You could say it would be "killing them with kindness" perhaps? :) j/k Actually, it's more like "turning the other cheek" and being sweet in a bitter situation. It proves that Iowans are gracious! And yes, it was a funny awkward!
