Monday, February 25, 2008

The Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday, Joey!!!

Joey is my favorite person in the entire world, so I always like to make a big deal about his birthday. this year, however, is even cooler than all his previous birthdays combined because he turned 25 on the 25th. All month long we have been celebrating. I was giving him 25 somethings every day of the month, some of my personal favorites have been:
  • 25 dimes for buying treats
  • 25 minute long backrub
  • 25 chances to say no to a Sprinkles cupcake
  • 25 pieces of Henry's food (Joey did not like this one)
  • 25 birthday messages from friends and family back home
  • 25 Mountain Dews
  • 25 miles on our bikes (but we have only gone 13 as yet)
And so on and so forth. It has been a fun month!

For Joey's actual birthday, we went on a hike (on unpaved trails!) in the afternoon, and grilled out with a very delicious meal of steak and grilled veggies. I baked Joey a little bitty cake (and the frosting turned out miserably, but enough of all that) and stuffed 25 candles on the top so I could sing him Happy Birthday. All by myself.

The frosting was so hard that I had to press it on with my fingers...what a disappointment!

Here's my favorite Birthday Boy and his candles!

And he huffed and he puffed....

And then we ate the cake.

Joey's gift from me is a weekend paintball scenario game on Saturday/Sunday of next week where they'll reenact battles from WW2 and get welted up from being shot with paintballs. Sounds like a barrel of fun, huh? Anyway, he was excited and that's all that matters.

Tonight we're going to Wild About Harry's to have brisket hot dogs (manly food!) and probably go look around at the Apple Store. He gets away with so much on his birthday...I even watched a Harry Potter movie with him!

Anyways, happy birthday Joey!!!

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