Friday, February 08, 2008

Bike Shorts

I know, I know, the title's enough to scare anybody off.  But keep reading, I promise that I'm not posting any pictures of myself actually wearing bike shorts.

On Wednesday Joey said, "Performance Bike is having a sale on their bike shorts."

"REALLY?"  I piped up.  The Spin Class had really been, um, getting to me and it was hard to sit.  Joey had tried to convey to me earlier the necessity of bike shorts (did you know they have padding on the bum?  I sure didn't) but I just thought he was stringin' me along to try to get me to spend unnecessary money.

I know there's muchas Bible verses about wives submitting to your husbands and all, so I will admit to everyone that I did not submit in this instance - I wouldn't let Joey buy bike shorts.  I told him, actually to "toughen up." Plus I didn't believe that they were necessary because bike seats were kooshy and comfy, right? 


Turns out that only Thunder has a kooshy and comfy bike seat.  Bike seats for normal people and in spin classes are hard like cinder blocks and they cause painful---well, you really don't care about all that.  So enough talk of bums.

We bought some bike shorts after I admitted to Joey that, "Yes, you were right and I was a gomer.  Please forgive and it's unlikely that I will ever doubt your wisdom again."

We got the fancy kind with the gel padding and took them home to test them out on our bikes.  We, like the losers we are, rode around the parking lot to test them out.  "Mine feel comfy and great!"  I crowed.

"I don't like mine," Joey harrumphed.  But he seems to have gotten over it because he kept them and took the tags off, so they are clearly not going back to the store.

This morning me, my bike shorts and my hot husband Joey went to spin class.  I wore a very, very baggy t-shirt with my disturbingly tight (and at the same time padded, it's a strange look really) shorts and Joey wore baggy shorts over top of his.

Guys, I'm telling you.  It was a whole new world.  I spun and spun with the best of them with nary a thought to any pain in the posterior, and I'm attributing it all to the purchase of my new kooshy-bum bike shorts.  (It's also possible that I felt so great because I wimped out and barely had any resistance on my bike, but I don't like to think about that as an option.) bike shorts and your lives will change for the better.

Tomorrow we're cycling to DTS for a seminar in the morning since it's only 5 1/2 miles.  I just hope it's warm enough!

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