Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Early Morning at the Woestman's

Joey's birthday is the 25th of February and he's turning 25 this year.  It's his golden birthday, so I wanted to do it up special!  Each day since February 1, I have been giving him 25 of something (and most of them are free, if not very nearly free - yeah cheap DTS wife!) and this morning was the morning I sort of dreaded.

The Swedish Fish morning.

I hate Swedish Fish.  Joey loves them.  The thing is, though, that since Joey and I agree on just about everything, I have decided to vehemently despise Swedish Fish (even though they aren't quite as disgusting as I make them out to be) simply because he likes them.  And I think he likes them mostly because I don't, come to think of it. Anyway, sometimes we do weird stuff like that.

So I gave him the Swedish Fish and he was a very, very happy man.

"That's disgusting," I told him.  He sort of hugged the bag of Swedish Fish and then set it down on the bed and went to go shave or something.

While he was gone I dumped his Swedish Fish out on the bed so I could count them and make sure that there really were 25.  To my surprise, there were actually 27, so I ate one and then decided I'd use the second extra one to get him all upset.

I went into the bathroom to finish getting ready and found Joey doing the same.  I looked him straight in the eye and took a huge bite out of the extra Swedish Fish I had saved.  "HEY!!!"  Joey yelled, "That is MY Swedish Fish, give it back!"

I chewed and swallowed.

"That's....that's so mean!"  Joey protested.

I ate the rest of the Swedish Fish.

"Ugh, that was gross," I said to egg him on.

Joey was looking very dejected by this time, so I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, honey, you still have 25.  That was an extra one."

"Really?"  He perked right up and ran out of the bathroom to go check on his Swedish Fish.

And that's a fairly typical morning at the Woestman house. If it's not one thing it's another, but usually I wind up attempting to trounce Joey, and believing that I have...for about five minutes, until he proves that he knows some random fact that I've never heard of and then I lose.

I always lose, even when I think I win.

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