Monday, February 04, 2008

On Hold

I have been on hold for very nearly a half hour.  Being on hold makes me go crazy, and I'm beginning to feel like if I hear "Your call IS important to us.  Please continue to hold for the next available representative" one more time, I will throw myself out the window.

To make matters worse, I drank a ton of water about 45 minutes ago.  This means that, by this time, I'm really ready to take a break, if you catch my drift, but I CAN'T because if I give up now then my last half an hour of wasted time will be in vain. 

And it gets even worse still.  I have been saving my Snickers bar all day; I had planned to eat it at 2:00.  It's now 2:15, so it doesn't take much to figure out what time I got on the phone initially...but for the last 15 minutes I have been getting irritated that I am missing out on my Snickers consumption, have to go to the bathroom, and am still on hold.

So my plan currently is to wait until 2:30.  If I am still on hold at 2:30 I'm going to hang up and eat my candy.  Then I'll feel better enough to call back and be on hold for another 45 minutes....right?

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