Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

Yeah, so it's Leap Day.  I didn't realize this until about 9:00 this a.m. when someone wished me a happy Leap Day and I couldn't figure out what they were talking about.

I feel rather out of my normal groove today (I very nearly perished in spin class this morning...), and I think it's because my body thinks it's March but it's really February.  Still.  And we didn't even get the day off, which is completely lame.

So I asked Joey what we would do to celebrate Leap Day since it's so rare.  His response?  Leap around.

I think that is lame; it's something I would come up with, not him!  He's the go-to guy for cooler ideas than mine, in general, because his brain is slightly more advanced than mine, I figure.

So my current ideas are:
  • Sprinkles cupcakes (I'm always looking for an excuse...)
  • Go to bed early since I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow to take Joey to DTS so he can meet his dudes who are going to have a paint ball WW2 reenactment all weekend somewhere over by Haltom City (I'm staying home fortunately)
  • Make brownies, put candles in the tops of them and sing "Happy Leap Day".  Then consume the brownies.
  • Leap around
It seems to me like Joey and I will be doing some leaping around after work.  Now I have to get on Wikipedia to see if I can figure out what the proper form is for leaping.  Is it much different from jumping?

Happy Leap Day, everyone.  Go take a leap or two.