Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Romantic Walk

Joey and I decided to go on a walk last evening since it was so nice. We packed up the laptop so I could post pictures of George and headed off to the club to get our free internets. After quickly doing so, we started to walk across the athletic fields toward the trail. It wasn't well lit, but we had Henry for protection.

"OH!" I said, as we walked along, I forgot to call Laura! Hmm, it's getting late, I should call her before one of them falls asleep." (It was 7:15, but we're all getting old.)

So, romantic walk notwithstanding, I rang up Laura. Just as she answered the phone and I said, "Hi, how are you?" I felt the ground give out underneath me.

I yelled, "NOOOO!!! Aw NUTS, NUTS, NUTS!" into the phone and poor Laura's ear.

"What happened?!" Joey asked.

"I...I just stepped in this huge sinkhole of mud..." I could feel it oozing around in my Crocs and most of the way way up my right calf. I pulled myself out and kept walking.

I apologized to Laura for yelling in her ear (I think; If I forgot then I'm sorry) and finished up the phone call. Joey and I attempted to finish our romantic walk. However, the mud that I had stepped in was really cold, not to mention that the mud on my feet was making them even colder. We walked about five minutes before I confessed that I could go no further and we had better turn around home.

My feet were numb by the time we got home.

I took off my Crocs and was quite amazed by the amount of mud on my feet. "Cool, can you take a picture?!" I asked Joey. He, as always, acquiesced. And so that is why you, my blog-reading friend, now have to see pictures of my muddy feet.

1 comment:

  1. Liz Charpie, who has a thing with feet (mostly not liking them) may be the only who objects, with grace and humor, to the feet pictures. Me, on the other hand, I like my feet...and therefore, am not typically grossed out by others. You have cute feet, Jenna. Show the world, even when they are muddy! :) Hey, you know people take BATHS of mud for beautfying purposes...and you just got one for you feet. For Free. How Romantic...
