Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Easter Dress

Every year of my entire life I have gotten an Easter dress. Joey has continued the tradition since we've been married and, last week, he said "We need to go shopping for your Easter dress. I have it all picked out, we just need to go buy it."

"OK..." I said, really quite surprised. I figured that I wouldn't get an Easter dress this year, what with living in Dallas and all, but obviously I was wrong. "Are you sure?"

"I like buying you dresses," Joey told me. "Plus I set aside money for it."

Joey took me to the mall and deposited me in front of a short blue dress with a matching jacket.

"The jacket costs more than the dress by, like $20, so we won't get that part until it goes on clearance. But I want you to get this dress right here, go try it on."

I looked at the dress. It was shorter than I normally wore by, like....inches. "It looks short," I said.

"Not too short," he told me, and shooed me off to the fitting room.

I came out of the fitting room and Joey said, "I like it. We're buying it."

And that was that.

1 comment:

  1. You like maaavelous, dahling. Simply maavelous.
